Bellar’s debut book, “Being and Becoming: Trusting Children’s Natural Learning” is a further exploration of her critically-acclaimed documentary. The book is set to be released in French on May 28, 2017  FOR THE 3RD ANNIVERSARY IN THEATERS

The documentary that took the educational world by storm

Is now a Book!

After the DVD, the Book

This French-language book offers the entire text of the film and extras, the transcription of Q&As with various childhood and learning specialists, as well as of interviews of Clara Bellar in the press and spectators’ reactions. It allows to find in writing the richness of the film and of the post-screenings conversations, and to answer the multiple questions that come up after the film.

“Here is a research that opens the doors to a true paradigm change: Giving back to the child the keys to her/his own humaneness, by trusting her/him fully.”Sophie Rabhi, La Ferme des Enfants, at Hameau des Buis
“Before the film, we were two, and we were raising our son. Since we’ve watched the DVD, we are three.”A spectator at the St-André des Arts cinema, Paris

The Book Will be Released on: May 28,2017

Available Now for Pre-order through the Publisher: Éditions l’Instant Présent
